Wednesday brings us Ryan Langlois in the kiln. “The Barstool Balladeer”: A charming and mysterious legend recalling better days, better songs, in better bars. A figure cloaked in experience, masked in heartbreak and all-consuming empathy. This trope seeks hope and light over all else: In today’s imitative mass, Ryan Langlois’ rock-ribbed growl and sometimes disarming honesty is an uncompromising breath of fresh air. Formerly fronting the multiple-award-winning Boom Chucka Boys, Langlois is no stranger to the stage. Long renowned for his performances carrying unprecedented electricity, he is a master of his surroundings, regardless of the space. The songs and stories hold heavy in a soft-seater venue full of attentive listeners, or on the big festival stages with full accompaniment. He offers an exhilarating experience of country rock, folk, Americana, and storytelling.
His conviction and authenticity place him firmly among a class of performers that has consistently earned and continues to seek his stripes. With a voice true and persevering, this barstool balladeer continues to make his way, telling his story and singing his songs.
Langlois is a multi-nominated CMAB artist and the recipient of the $75,000 Project WILD Award. As a recognized member of the music industry, Ryan breathes community; co-writing with burgeoning musicians and fostering development by hosting an "Original Story Open Mic."
All Kiln shows are $25 each. Show starts at 7pm with doors opening at 6:30pm