2022 Tongue on the Post Folk Music Festival online edition with special guest Dave McCann along with a special re-broadcast of our dear friend Dan Howard
January 27, 2022
Pay What You Can
Dave McCann makes his return to the Tongue on the Post after a couple of long years.
Dave McCann hails from Lethbridge, Alberta and has make an outstanding name for himself as an artist that certainly marched to the beat of his own drum!
Please tune in as Dave takes us on his magical music journey through such amazing songs that this Alberta gem has written himself.
closing the show today will be a re-broadcast of our dear friend and local musician Dan Howard.
Dan joined us last year in our first ever livestream of the festival, but has soundly found himself struggling with some severe medical issues that have had him hospitalized for the past couple of weeks.
The Medicine Hat Folk Music Club would like this time to recognize that one of our own alumni has fallen ill and we would like to help however we can.
For this we ask that during this re-broadcast, if you are able, please forward donations to shreddinrocker@gmail.com and lets all show this amazing local artist just haw much we all love him and wish to help support in this time of need.......Dan faces a long road to recovery and every bit will help!
Thank You